Financial Declaration – F5J USA Tour

Recent updates:
11-26-2021 – Posted 2021 season ledger.
1-04-2021 – Posted 2020 season ledger.

The F5J USA Tour (“Tour”) is an organization that is focused 100% on promoting and organizing F5J contesting events in the USA. The public benefit from our efforts is 100% directed toward RC soaring pilots in the USA.

Nominal contest fees are collected from participating pilots exclusively for the purpose of covering end-of-season awards and other expenses. Absolutely none of these collected fees are distributed to members of the Advisory Group or to any participating clubs or pilots. Any excess collected fees at the end of the season are carried forward and held for payment of future Tour expenses. The Tour’s web pages and web hosting expenses are provided at no charge by Embedded-Ability (owner/operator Chris Bajorek).

From time to time the Tour may conduct raffles and other promotional activities with specific financial purposes and goals. For example, the Tour may periodically run promotions with all the proceeds benefiting the USA F5J world championship team.

The Tour season runs from Dec 1 through Nov 30. Within ~60 days following the end of each season the Tour will publish a ledger that shows all income received, all expenses incurred, and any funds that are carried forward into the next season.

If you have any financial questions about the Tour please send a message to Chris Bajorek, chairman, through the Contact page. Thank you.

F5J USA Tour Ledger Archives

2021 Season Ledger
2020 Season Ledger
2019 Season Ledger
2018 Season Ledger
2017 Season Ledger